As a manufacturer, we offer you better quality and more affordable offers.
Being the manufacturer company, MB Makina; Serving Our Customers Since 2013. We Offer All Our Experience To You With The Best Price And Quality. It provides production and equipment supply in Elevator Conveyors, Flat Belt Conveyors, Plastic Injection Conveyors, Roller Conveyors, Sigma Profile Types and Air Shaft systems. Offering solutions in various products, MB has three important keys such as quality, value and service.
We produce what you want from our own designed products in the sizes and quantities you need. The fact that we have provided machinery for leading giant companies in our country allows us to reflect our experience and experience in this field in the best way possible.
It exports products to many countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia, USA, China, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands and implements projects.
Our wide product range is not limited to our catalog. Personal design applications are made.